Iowa Falls citizens come together to create spectacular events and festivals each year. Take a look at some of our favorite events. Mark your calendar and get involved in the fun.
Riverbend Rally - First weekend in July. Crowning of Little Miss Iowa Falls and Miss Iowa Falls, Bill Riley Memorial Bike Ride. Riverbend Rally 5K. Golf Tournament. Disc Golf. Kids Fishing Derby. Food Vendors. Flight Breakfast at the Airport. Ice Cream Social. Pancake Breakfast. Petting Zoo. Carnival. Scenic City Empress Cruises. Kayak Races. Parade. Live Entertainment. Fireworks.
Scenic City Car Show - Labor Day Weekend. Two " Best of Show" Cars. Dash Plaques for the First 250 Entries. "Top 40" Trophies. 34 Category Trophies. Sunday Afternoon Cruise.
Wine, Brew and Art Walk - October. sample Iowa wineries and breweries, while shopping and dining around the historic Iowa Falls downtown district. Must be 21 years of age to participate. Watch the Iowa Falls Chamber of Commerce website for information.
All Iowa Rugby Tournament - May. A Rugby Tournament with a festival atmosphere. Welcoming teams from in and around Iowa. Watch the Iowa Falls Chamber of Commerce website for information.
Lawn Chair Nite - June. Concerts in Estes Park on Wednesday nights in June.
Free Christian Concert - September. Estes Park. Free Christian Concert. Freewill donations and sponsors support the event each year.
For more information about Riverbend Rally or other Iowa Falls Events call 641-648-5549 contact us.